Listening and learning for London’s Mental Health Day

For Great Mental Health Day on January 26, Lambeth Council invited mental health specialist Juney Muhammad from South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) to lead a discussion with voluntary groups on recognising and supporting people who might be struggling with their mental wellbeing.

The workshop took place at Lambeth Town Hall, bringing the Lambeth voluntary and community sector groups together to network and connect with each other on this important topic, and to learn some things they can do to support people they are in touch with through their work.

On the same day, SLaM’s Mental Health Promotion Team also ran free mental health first aid training for Lambeth residents and groups.

Photo taken at the London Mental Health Day event for voluntary and community organisations in Lambeth. A group of people from the event sitting and standing facing the camera and smiling.

Juney Mohammed of SLAM NHS trust

Juney Mohammed of SLaM NHS Foundation Trust

Juney Mohammed said:

“We need to do more than ‘signposting’ someone to help. Some people get tired of telling their most intimate secrets over and over to different people, re-traumatised every time they ask for help. Look at places that can help together, offer to go with them, ask if they went and if it seemed like the right place to help them.”

Get mental health help and support 

The Lambeth Together Living Well Network Alliance supports people in Lambeth experiencing mental illness or distress. They’re working in partnership to improve local mental health services to be more joined up, quicker and easier to access, more focused on prevention, avoiding crises and unnecessary admissions to hospital. Find out more about the Living Well Network Alliance.

Why does this matter to Lambeth Together?

Mental Health is a Lambeth Together priority. In addition to our work through the Living Well Network, mental health also features in the Lambeth Together Staying Healthy Programme, led by Lambeth Council’s Public Health team. Here. the focus is on prevention and helping more people to maintain positive behaviours that support their mental wellbeing and keep them healthy. Find out more about the Staying Healthy Programme.

To stay up to date on more local health and care priorities, follow @LambethTogether.

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