Our ways of working

How we work together as partners to deliver health and care services in Lambeth

To deliver integrated care and improve health in Lambeth, we need to operate differently. By working together and reflecting on our ongoing engagement with patients and service users, we have developed a set of principles that have become our ‘ways of working’.

Our ways of working

We will

  • Measure and understand the experience of people accessing our services and use this information to reduce inequalities.
  • Commit to and embed equality, diversity and inclusion across all levels of our system with a focus on reducing health inequalities throughout all our work.
  • Work together as an effective, well-governed, and transparent Local Care Partnership within an Integrated Care System and in collaboration with other Local Care Partnerships.
  • Deliver through our Delivery Alliances and Programmes, with strategic oversight, effective assurance and risk management functions.
  • Maintain a whole system approach to providing health and care by focusing on our quadruple aims: improved patient experience; better population health outcomes; improved experience of providing care; and care delivered at best value

To ensure we can work this way we will focus on the following areas: