
  1. Friday 16 March 2024 saw Lambeth’s first Musculoskeletal (MSK) Community Day, designed to tackle muscle and joint pain whilst boosting overall wellbeing for people living with musculoskeletal conditions.

    The packed event took place at the Black Prince Trust’s community hub in Kennington, where 250 people on a routine MSK physiotherapy waiting list were invited to attend.

  2. Measles outbreaks have been reported across the country, including cases in London, impacting children, teenagers, young people and unvaccinated/under-vaccinated communities.

    Measles is more than just a rash, and can lead to serious complications for some people. One in five children with measles will need a hospital visit and it can cause serious problems in some people if it spreads to other parts of the body, such as the lungs or the brain.