Our Health, Our Lambeth Lambeth Together health and care plan 2023-28

Our aspirations and outcomes

The priorities that we aim to achieve over the next five years are outlined in our Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-28; ensuring the best start in life, supporting people to lead healthy lives and have good physical and mental wellbeing and supporting communities to flourish and build their resilience. Lambeth Together has committed to contribute to delivering on these priorities and Our Health, Our Lambeth sets out how we will do that.

Our aspirations

1) People lead healthy lives and have good physical and emotional health and wellbeing for as long as possible


  • People maintain positive behaviours that keep them healthy
  • People are connected to communities that enable them to maintain good health
  • People are immunised against vaccine preventable diseases
  • People have healthy mental and emotional wellbeing
  • People have healthy and fulfilling sexual relationships
    and good reproductive health

2) Physical and mental health conditions are detected early and people are supported and empowered to manage these conditions and avoid complications


  • People receive early diagnosis and support for physical
    health conditions
  • People who have developed long term health conditions have
    help to manage their condition and prevent complications
  • When emotional and mental health issues are identified,
    the right help, support and diagnosis is offered early and in
    a timely way

3) People have access to and positive experiences of health and care services that they trust and meet their needs


  • People have access to joined-up and holistic health and care delivered in their neighbourhoods
  • People know where to go to get the right help, and are treated at the right time, in the right place, for their needs
  • Older adults are provided with the right health and care support at the right time, live healthy and active later lives and are supported to age well
  • Women have positive experiences of maternal healthcare and there are no disproportionate maternal mortality rates among women
  • People with learning disabilities and/or autism achieve equal life chances, live as independently as possible and have the right support from health and care services
  • People using mental health support services can recover and stay well, with the right support, and can participate on equal terms in daily life
  • People who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless, (including rough sleepers and refugees) have improved health

Our outcomes