Our Health, Our Lambeth Lambeth Together health and care plan 2023-28

How we will know if we are making a difference

We will use a range of ways to understand the impact we are making in Lambeth.

We have collectively committed to achieving these outcomes and will monitor our progress through regularly reporting to the Lambeth Together Care Partnership Board. The Board will consider how well we are doing at meeting our outcomes and review our activity if we are not delivering as planned.

We recognise that over the course of this five year plan things will change. National health and care directives will evolve, and the amount and quality of data, intelligence and insights will improve. To be able to adapt to these changes, we are building a governance process to regularly review the measures we use to monitor success and to adjust, improve, and refine them as necessary so that they continue to be fit for purpose.

Smiling group of people outside

Where things are working well, we may increase our ambition and build upon the success. Where our work is not having the results we expected, we will learn from this and adjust our approach so that we get back on track.

We will ensure that the measures we use to report progress are inclusive. We will focus on reducing the
unfair and avoidable differences in health between different groups of people; and by focusing on
these health inequalities, we will ultimately achieve better outcomes for everyone in Lambeth.

Our reporting will also allow for detailed investigation and consideration of other relevant measures by
our Delivery Alliances and Programmes about the success of their work.

Lambeth Health Determinants Research & Evaluation Network (HEART) will create local government research infrastructure which seeks to understand and act on the causes of health inequalities and improve health and wellbeing outcomes in Lambeth. Developing an open and participative research collaboration involving local people will help inform our decisions as an integrated health and care system and bring opportunities to measure impact using integrated data and a race equity lens.

We will have a transparent process for agreeing change and we will publish an annual review that will share our progress and plans for the coming year. We will make sure that this is accessible and easy to understand.

How we will listen to feedback

We know that data and numbers won’t tell us all the facts and that patients, carers and residents’ feedback is vital. So, alongside our targets and impact measures, we have built listening routes into many parts of our system, so that we are continuously hearing and learning.

Group of middle aged men

Our Public Forum supports service users, providers, and representatives to speak directly to the Board, online and in person. Our Delivery Alliances, Programmes and partners encourage and support diverse local voices to be heard through a great variety of engagement channels including reference and focus groups, local partnership events, and our Health Champions on our Health & Wellbeing Bus.

There is also Alliance-supported ‘voice’ activity that feeds directly to the Board such as the Youth Council and youth advisors, the Parents’ Forum and Parent champions, and the Lambeth Mental Health Collaborative. We fully recognise our statutory involvement responsibilities and seek to go further.

Our formal consultations, surveys, and questionnaires are designed to ensure that our service stakeholders can influence the design and delivery of our services. We will continue to work with a wide range of resident and patient groups including partners such as Healthwatch Lambeth, Black Thrive, Age UK Lambeth and others to provide us with qualitative insights into our performance.

By working with these groups, we will gain a deeper understanding of how our services are affecting the lives of our residents and identify areas where we can improve.

How can i get involved?

How can I get involved?

We are committed to working with communities to make sure the services we are responsible for work for the people they are created for. If you’re a Lambeth resident who cares about health and care in your community and would like to shape how we work, we’d love to hear from you. Find out more about the ways you can get involved in the work we do or email us on hello@lambethtogether.net

Use your voice to improve health and care in Lambeth

How we developed Our Health, Our Lambeth

Our plan has been created by our Lambeth Together partner organisations, our Delivery Alliances and Programmes, and informed by wider consultation and engagement, both in our ongoing programmes of work and during the development of Lambeth’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy. In developing our Health and Wellbeing Strategy, we consulted with the public, and with a range of voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations, on what is important in Lambeth in regard to health and wellbeing.

Our Delivery Alliances and Programmes engage with patients and residents throughout their work and have used their understanding of the populations they serve, to inform their commitments in this Plan.

As a partnership we will continue to listen to patients and residents and community voices and to work with people and communities in how we plan, deliver, and monitor the success of our work at all levels.