Lambeth Civic Centre opens its doors to provide vital polio vaccinations to children
Lambeth Civic Centre in Brixton is supporting local families get convenient and speedy access to the polio vaccination.
The temporary ‘pop-up’ clinic on the ground floor is open on Friday 23 September from 3.15pm to 6.30pm, and on Saturday 24 September from 11am to 4pm. Access is via the entrance on Buckner Road.
The clinic is offering polio vaccinations to children aged 5-9 and no appointment is necessary to attend.
Child-friendly clinics with arts and crafts

Art and craft activities keep children entertained and occupied while they wait, and clinic staff are able to answer any parent or carer questions about the polio vaccination.
Pablo, pictured left, is one of the many children who attended with a parent or carer after school this week.
Extra polio vaccine dose to protect London children

Children aged 1 to 9 years old in London are being offered a dose of the polio vaccine. For some children this may be an extra dose on top of their routine vaccinations. In other children it may bring them up to date with their routine vaccinations.
Ruth Hutt, Director of Public Health for Lambeth, said:
“There are signs polio may be spreading in London and the number of children vaccinated in Lambeth and across London is lower than it should be. Boosting immunity in children will help protect them and stop polio spreading.
If your child is eligible for an extra dose, the NHS will contact you to ask you to book an appointment for the vaccine. I’d encourage parents and carers to respond to ensure this disease does not spread in our community”.
Polio vaccination clinics in Lambeth and south east London
Across Lambeth and south east London, clinics are running throughout this month in an attempt to see as many children who need their vaccination as possible. There are booked clinics at the Akerman and Gracefield Gardens Health Centres, and walk-in clinics at Lambeth’s Civic Centre and at Copes Pharmacy and Westbury Chemist in Streatham, and at Fairlee Pharmacy in Queenstown Road, SW8. Additionally, King’s College Hospital and Guy’s are also offering polio vaccinations for children.
Find out about polio vaccination clinics in Lambeth and south east London.
Find out about other routine child immunisations
While poliovirus is a risk, parents and carers are encouraged to ensure their children are up to date with all their other vaccinations, such as the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine to ensure protection against any future outbreaks.
Find out more about routine child immunisations and when to have them.