
  1. Lambeth Together organisations provide a range of health and lifestyle services to residents in Lambeth to improve their health and reduce their risk of developing a variety of diseases.

    Lifestyle factors contribute hugely to poor health and whether it is becoming more physically active, stopping smoking, achieving a healthier weight, tackling diabetes or getting help and support with your mental health there is something for all residents in Lambeth.

  2. The Lambeth Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Delivery Alliance is a partnership of local NHS organisations, community organisations, GPs, and Lambeth Council.

    Through working together better, we want to improve peoples health, keep people well, promote wellbeing and reduce the barriers to access services and support that some people experience.

  3. Thursday 5 December saw the exciting launch of new mental health services for working-age adults in Lambeth.

    There was a real buzz as people who use these services chatted with staff and providers. Everyone enjoyed live music from Greg and Annette and the Certitude Choir (made up of those with lived experience) and Abstract Benna, a young Lambeth poet, performed three of his poems, including The Alliance, written especially for the event – reproduced below.