Join ‘the big squeeze’ on the bus this May!

Join ‘the big squeeze’ on the bus this May!

May Measure Month is a global campaign to screen for high blood pressure. To support this, the Lambeth Together Health and Wellbeing bus will be hosting additional free, drop-in blood pressure checks, with advice from pharmacists and health champions.

A local hairdresser getting his blood pressure checked at a Lambeth pharmacy

High blood pressure remains the number one contributing risk factor for global death, causing strokes, heart attacks and other life changing complications such as kidney failure, heart failure, problems with your sight and dementia. In 2019, an estimated 10.8 million deaths were attributed to raised blood pressure which was completely undetected in most of the victims. A simple, one-minute check could greatly reduce this number. This is why we’re taking part in #TheBigSqueeze to encourage more people in Lambeth to check and monitor their blood pressure.

Dr Di Aitken, Lambeth GP, Joint Chair of Lambeth Together and Clinical Lead for the Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Delivery Alliance said: “Data shows that just over 34% of adults in Lambeth have higher than average blood pressure. In South East London more people of Black African and Black Caribbean descent have high blood pressure compared to any other ethnic group.

“The data also shows people of African Caribbean descent are ten years younger when presenting with an acute stroke compared to stroke patients of white ethnicity. This is life changing and avoidable. And we know this isn’t right. We hope to see more people getting checked at the bus, and sharing the May Measurement campaign with their friends and family, to help save lives and address this inequality.”

Visit the Health and Wellbeing Bus

The Lambeth Together Health and Wellbeing bus will be parking up at the following locations offering an increased blood pressure checking service for May Measurement Month:

Date: Tuesday 28 May, 9am to 4.30pm

Address: 15 Electric Ln, SW9 8LA

Date: Wednesday 29 May, 9am to 4.30pm & Thursday 30 May, 9am to 4.30pm

Address: 1 Rushcroft Rd, SW2 1JH

Over 10 million lives are lost each year to high blood pressure. Give yourself a squeeze and get your blood pressure checked. #thebigqueeze

Where else can I get my blood pressure checked?

If you can’t make it along to the bus, a number of community pharmacies also offer free blood pressure checks to people aged 40 or over. Having your blood pressure checked at a pharmacy is quick and easy and often doesn’t need an appointment.

Find a local pharmacy that can test your blood pressure for free.

Visit the Lambeth Together Health and Wellbeing Bus (blood pressure checks on selected days)

Find out more about how to monitor your blood pressure at home.

Why is this important to Lambeth Together?

Lambeth Together aims to support people to lead healthy lives, to detect health conditions early and empower people to manage these conditions and avoid complications. Raising awareness of the importance of regular blood pressure testing for people aged over 40, and for people from at risk groups, is part of this ambition. Read more about Lambeth Together’s work to tackle high blood pressure

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