About the Sexual Health Programme

Improving sexual and reproductive health in Lambeth and helping people with a sexually transmitted infection get the right support at the right time

Our work brings together Lambeth Together health and care partner organisations to make sure people have healthy and fulfilling sexual relationships and good sexual and reproductive health. In this section you will find information about our sexual health services, including contraception, abortion and HIV prevention and support.

Lambeth faces some of the greatest sexual health challenges in England. Our rates of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are the highest in England, and there are persistent inequalities in sexual and reproductive health, with young people, gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM), and black and minority ethnic communities suffering the greatest burden.

Sexual and reproductive health inequalities cannot be addressed in isolation in our borough. and so, due to the similarities in the needs of our populations, we collaborate with Southwark and Lewisham boroughs on sexual health.

We also work as a partnership across the NHS, the Council, local organisations and residents to develop and deliver local and modern sexual health services.

Our aims

Through our services, we want:

  • people to be empowered to make their sexual relationships healthy and fulfilling
  • people to effectively manage their fertility and reproductive health, understand what impacts on it and have knowledge of and access to contraceptives
  • to reduce the number of cases of sexually transmitted infections, in particular among people from populations who are disproportionately affected
  • to move closer to our aim of achieving zero HIV-related stigma, zero HIV transmissions and zero HIV-related deaths

Find out more about the Sexual Health Programme priorities.