North Lambeth PCN Chronic Pain Wellbeing For Life event

The latest phase of Lambeth Together’s NWDA chronic pain project work includes pain management support events. This exciting community outreach work has kicked off with our first local neighbourhood event taking place recently.

The North Lambeth Primary Care Network (PCN) held their first Well Being for Life event for Chronic Pain patients in North Lambeth.



Wellbeing For Life pilot event details

Patients were introduced to new strategies to help manage their pain, including breathing exercises, stretching techniques and yoga from a yoga teacher.

Patients were updated on the latest research, and the GP and Consultant Physiotherapist demonstrated new evidence-based methods for managing their pain.

This event was a great opportunity for patients as they explored new techniques to support their persistent pain, patients also had the opportunity to register for free yoga classes.

Overall, the event was a success as patients felt encouraged to try something new!

We look forward to similar events in the future.

To find out more about the chronic pain workstream, visit our get involved with the NWDA.