About the Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Alliance

The Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Delivery Alliance (NWDA) supports the health and wellbeing of Lambeth communities

The NWDA works at neighbourhood level through collaborative projects led by a local partnership of health, social care, voluntary community sector and local people.

Your neighbourhood services: support around your needs. This image describes the Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Delivery Alliance, our partners and way of working with your support needs in mind
Your neighbourhood services: support around your needs. This image describes the Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Delivery Alliance, our partners and way of working with your support needs in mind

Our priorities and aims

The Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Delivery Alliance (NWDA) have three key priorities: prevention; urgent and emergency care; and complex care and the alliance aims to:

  • Ensure that residents are connected to their communities, receive an early diagnosis and support on physical health conditions to enable them to maintain good health.
  • Ensure that residents have access to the right help, at the right time, at the place and by the right person to meet their needs holistically through integrated neighbourhood teams.
  • Ensure that residents living with long term conditions have timely support in managing their conditions and avoiding complications.

We help communities to thrive by making sure residents in Lambeth are more aware of what’s available nearby to support and manage their health and wellbeing. We work with local organisations to develop small scale local health and wellbeing projects which we can use to ‘test and learn’ from. Quickly customising the support that is offered, based on local feedback, ensures we deliver against residents’ needs. We share what we have learned with partner organisations and develop plans to run these projects that can positively impact people more widely across other areas in Lambeth.

Who’s involved?

The Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Delivery Alliance’s partners include:

Further Information about the NWDA

NWDA – Working together to support our communities to thrive