Nathalie Zacharias

Director of Therapies, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM)

Nathalie is an Occupational Therapist and has worked in health and social care for over 20 years. She was appointed as Director of Therapies for South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) in February 2022. She provides board level professional leadership for the 1500 therapies staff employed by SLaM, including Psychology and Psychotherapy, Allied Health Professions and Social Work.

Her current role also includes:

  • Executive lead for safeguarding adults and children
  • Executive lead for Mental Health Act
  • Patient safety and governance

Nathalie came to the UK in 1998 as an international recruit. Her experience growing up in South Africa, where there are considerable inequalities, including health, drives her passion for reducing health inequalities and for services to be fair, equitable and accessible for all populations.

Nathalie’s past roles have included a focus on the links between physical and mental health, patients’ experience, equality diversity and inclusion. She achieved her Master of Science in Healthcare Leadership in 2018 as well as completing the Transforming Organisational Culture – Restorative Just Culture Programme via Northumbria University. She’s trained in quality improvement methodology and has led on several trust-wide improvement projects.