Dr Raj Mitra

GP and Clinical and Care Professional Lead for Lambeth Together Children and Young People's Alliance

Co-Chair of Lambeth Clinical and Care Professional Lead Network Forum

Raj has been a GP at the Lambeth Walk Group Practice since 1995.

He has remained in full time clinical practice as well being an undergraduate teacher for King’s College London and a postgraduate GP trainer since 2000.

The Lambeth Walk group practice was the first GP practice in Lambeth to achieve the Quality Practice Award given by the Royal College of GPs in 2013.

He has always been interested in providing the highest quality of care to his patients and using his face to face, experience with patient has been involved in improving local health and care services since 1997. He was involved with the modernisation of local services in 2003 and then he went on to do a Royal College of GPs Leadership development diploma achieving a distinction in his cohort.

He has been involved at a strategic level in developing health and care services in Lambeth since 2011 when he was appointed to the board of NHS Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group. In 2019 he was voted by his fellow GPs to represent them on the Lambeth Together Strategic Board, the predecessor of Lambeth Together Care Partnership Board.