Adrian is a Lambeth GP and Clinical Lead for the Lambeth Living Well Network Alliance.
Adrian was born and has lived most of his life locally. He trained at King’s College Hospital and has been a partner at Hetherington Group Practice for over 30 years.
Between 2013 and 2020, Adrian served as Chair for NHS Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group.
Adrian has always had an interest in inclusion health and homelessness, and believes that integrated services that work for the most disadvantaged are likely to work for everyone. He continues to work supporting high quality homeless services locally and at south east London and London levels.
Adrian’s areas of clinical interest include mental health, addictions and dermatology. He was involved in the Lambeth Living Well Collaborative from its start, from which developed our Living Well Network Alliance which focuses on mental health.
He was also part of the team that introduced the Local Care Record across GP practices, large NHS hospital trusts, community services and local authorities. This work went on to to win an award for Best Use of IT to Support Integrated Healthcare Services in 2016; but more importantly, it has made a difference to working lives and improving safety and effectiveness for patients.
Adrian is a natural collaborator and recognises that teamwork has been central to his working life. He’s also a life-long lover of big bikes, evolving over recent years to be a cyclist.